Modeling and simulation of dynamic carbonate deposition in a loess-paleosol sequence

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqy2002
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A compartment model of dynamic deposition processes has been developed and testedin the Potou loess section of China. There are four components in the model : carbonate input ofeolian dust, carbonate output of erosion, carbonate chemical equilibrium and soil water balance. Aclimate stochastic model software (CLIMAK) generates the daily weather data. The processes ofeolian dust deposition, erosion, and pedogenesis simulate the complex process of carbonatedeposition in a loess-paleosol sequence. We consider both climatic change and soil-forming factors.The results indicate that since the Late Pleistocene in Potou section, the mean carbonate fluxesfrom precipitation, eolian dust and erosion are 0.14g/cm~2/kg, 1.45g/cm~2/ka and 0.23g/cm~2/karespectively. Of this, 91.2% of the carbonate input is from eolian dust. There are four components in the model: carbonate input of eolian dust, carbonate output of erosion, carbonate chemical equilibrium and soil water balance. Aclimate stochastic model software ( The processes of eolian dust deposition, erosion, and pedogenesis simulate the complex process of carbonate formation in a loess-paleosol sequence. We consider both climatic change and soil-forming factors. The results indicate that since the Late Pleistocene In this section, the mean carbonate fluxes from precipitation, eolian dust and erosion are 0.14 g / cm ~ 2 / kg, 1.45 g / cm ~ 2 / ka and 0.23 g / cm ~ 2 / karespectively. input is from eolian dust.
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