阵发性房性心动过速(以下简称阵发性房速)所引起的心电图改变及临床表现已为大家所熟知。但通过心阻抗血流图观察其血流动力学变化及判断房速性质了解较少。现将我们在心阻抗血流图检查过程中遇到的2例阵发性房速所引起的血流动力学变化报告如下:检查方法:应用日本光电 RM—6000多导生理记录仪,按照1984年南京召开的“全国心阻抗、心功能讲学交流会制定的检测标准测定。例1,患者,女性,28岁。5年来出现阵发性全身乏力、心慌、气短、面色苍白、头晕、头痛等症状,每次持续10~20分钟,均为自行缓解。近一
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (hereinafter referred to as paroxysmal atrial tachycardia) caused by ECG changes and clinical manifestations have been well-known. But through the heart impedance blood flow diagram observed hemodynamic changes and to determine the properties of the anemia to understand less. Now we encountered in the heart impedance blood flow chart examination of 2 cases of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia caused by hemodynamic changes are reported as follows: Inspection methods: The application of Japan Photoelectric RM-6000 multi-channel physiology recorder, according to 1984 Nanjing, held the "national heart resistance, heart function lectures and exchange of the development of testing standards for determination .Example 1, patients, women, 28 years of age 5 years of paroxysmal generalized weakness, palpitation, shortness of breath, pale, dizziness, headache and other symptoms , Each lasting 10 to 20 minutes, are self-remission