该文以试验为依据 ,综合分析粉煤灰、粉煤灰土及素土的物理力学性质 ,结合我省的实际情况 ,在长余高速公路 0 9~ 1 2标段采用粉煤灰土处理上路床 ,在 1 2标段采用粉煤灰填筑路堤 ,达到了节省土地 ,降低工程造价的目的 ,实现了工业废料的综合利用
Based on the experiment, the paper analyzes the physical and mechanical properties of fly ash, fly ash soil and plain soil synthetically. According to the actual situation in our province, fly ash soil is used to treat the upper roadbed from 0 9 to 1 2 of Changyu Expressway , 12 sections of fly ash filling the embankment, to save the land, reducing the project’s cost, to achieve the comprehensive utilization of industrial waste