After the eggs are discharged from the ovary, they are delivered to the uterus through the fallopian tubes, and most of the mammalian eggs run in the fallopian tubes for 3 to 4 days. During this time, a series of changes have taken place in the morphological, physiological and biochemical aspects of the fallopian tubes. After the egg enters the fallopian tube, it stays in a certain position. The fallopian tube creates suitable conditions for the growth and activity of gametes and increases the chances of fertilization. When the uterus is ready for the fertilized egg full implantation conditions, immediately let the eggs enter the uterus timely, that is, into the implantation process. Tubal egg picking, egg movement, sperm migration can be fertilized, egg fertilization, cleavage and differentiation and growth and development of the egg, until the formation of blastocyst before implantation process in the fallopian tube.Therefore, elucidate tubal physiology Function and its regulation, both to explore new ways of contraception and to study to maintain normal reproductive processes have an important role, which is the main purpose of this article.