利用日光大棚生产无公害绿色大豆芽菜,一年四季皆可进行,且投资少,见效快。现将培育方法介绍如卜: 1 做畦。南北向做畦,畦宽1.1~1 2m,深1.5cm,四周用砖镶边。 2 浸种。将大豆种晒1~2天,然后按每10kg大豆加水25kg、无根豆芽素2ml,浸泡18~24小时,待种子吸足水、表皮不皱时捞出,稍晾后播种。 3 播种。每1m~2畦面播豆种2kg。播种时,畦面上先铺过筛纲砂或细土2~3cm厚,耧平,然后将浸好的豆种粒靠粒撒播于畦面,轻拍后再撒2~3cm厚过筛细砂,耧平后浇透水,畦上搭低拱棚,覆盖黑色
The use of solar greenhouse production of pollution-free green soybean sprouts, all year round can be carried out, and less investment, quick. Introduce the cultivation method now BU: 1 do 畦. North-South to do 畦, 畦 wide 1.1 ~ 1 2m, 1.5cm deep, surrounded by bricks trim. 2 soaking. The soybeans drying 1 to 2 days, and then by 10kg of soybeans add water 25kg, rootless bean sprouts 2ml, soak for 18 to 24 hours until the seeds absorb enough water, the skin is not wrinkled remove, a little dry after sowing. 3 sowing. Each 1m ~ 2 畦 surface sowing seeds 2kg. Sowing, Kamen first sieve mesh sieve sand or fine soil 2 ~ 3cm thick, flat, and then spread the beans by grain spread in the noodles, tap and then dusted 2 ~ 3cm thick sifted fine Sand, balsamic water after pouring, 畦 take low arch shed, covering black