
来源 :中国妇女管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libolb666
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我院资料室是直接为教学科研服务,为贯彻学院办学方针,完成教学、科研的前期工作、基础工作的职能部门。近十年来,我院期刊资料工作经历了从无到有、从小到大、几分几聚的发展,现已初具规模。现在每年订有各种期刊近400种,过期期刊合订本上千册,各种目录文摘卡近万张。虽然我院资料工作有了长足发展,但是,随着形势的发展,特别是江泽民总书记在“三八”国际劳动妇女节80周年纪念大会上精辟地概括了马克思主义妇女观的基本内容,为指导妇女解放运动,搞好妇女工作,推进妇女教育,提高妇女素质,提出了重要的指导思想和依据,同时也为全国唯一的妇女成人高校的资料室的资料管理工作提出了新的更高的要求。本文结合我院资料室建设的实践,就如何进一步加强期刊建设谈几点浅见。 第一,注意资料工作向主动服务方向发展。 Our reference room is directly for the teaching and research services, in order to implement the college running guidelines, complete teaching, scientific research preparatory work, the basic work of the functional departments. In the past ten years, the periodicals and information work of our hospital has gone through development from scratch, from small to large, and somewhat concentrated, and now it has begun to take shape. There are now nearly 400 kinds of journals in various journals, over one thousand books of overdue journals and nearly ten thousand cards of various kinds of catalogs. Despite the rapid development of information work in our hospital, with the development of the situation, General Secretary Jiang Zemin in particular gave an ingenious summary of the basic content of the Marxist outlook on women at the Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the International Labor Day for Women on March 8, Guiding the women’s liberation movement, doing a good job in women’s work, promoting women’s education and improving the quality of women. They put forward important guiding ideology and basis as well as new and higher-level data management for reference libraries in the only women’s adult colleges in the country. Claim. Based on the practice of the reference room construction in our college, I have a few humble opinions on how to further strengthen the periodical construction. First, pay attention to the information service to the active service direction.
癌性神经病非肿瘤直接浸润神经组织,而是由恶性肿瘤的存在所致的远隔障碍。此病国内甚少报告,现将所见一例报告如下: 患者,男,46岁,干部,哈尔滨市人。1977年9月13日住院(上
对马抗毒血清(以下简称 ATS)治疗破伤风的看法不一,有人主张肌肉或静脉注射 ATS,但另有人怀疑其疗效,该制剂可产生过敏反应且半衰期短。目前破伤风病死率仍保留于40%。过去