Pulmonary heart disease is due to chronic lung or chest diseases, causing increased resistance to pulmonary circulation, pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular weight gain or hypertrophy, leading to right heart failure or even heart failure, a disease. Dialectics is one of the core of TCM theory and is the main basis for determining the treatment plan. Studying the pathophysiological basis of different syndromes is very important for elucidating the essence of “syndrome” and guiding the clinical treatment. Now in our hospital from May 1984 to August 1985 admitted to the cor pulmonale data complete 106 Chinese patients with blood gas, cardiopulmonary function and cardiac ultrasound diagnosis of certain indicators of the relationship as follows: General Information 106 cases In the case, 83 males; 23 females; aged 28 - 75 years old. Among them 64 cases of blood gas analysis, determination of pulmonary function in 97 cases, echocardiography