建设空冷机组是解决北方富煤缺水矛盾的重要措施 ,但空冷机组在冬季容易被冻坏。分析了海勒式空冷散热器冬季发生冻害的机理及具体原因 ,论述了百叶窗在散热器防冻方面的重要作用 ;分别针对空冷机组正常运行、事故状态、启动和停机提出了防冻措施 ;最后 ,论述了控制系统的一些改造对空冷散热器防冻的作用
The construction of air-cooled units is an important measure to solve the contradiction between water shortage and rich coal in North China. However, air-cooled units are easily damaged in winter. The mechanism and specific reasons of cold damage of Heller air-cooled radiator in winter are analyzed. The important function of blinds in antifreeze of radiator is discussed. The anti-freezing measures are put forward respectively for the normal operation, accident status, starting and stopping of air-cooled unit. Finally, A number of modifications to the control system on the air-cooled radiator antifreeze role