国内外最新研究资料表明 :各种工伤事故的发生 ,除了肇事者本人技术水平低劣、作风粗枝大叶或违反操作规程等主要原因外 ,与气温的变化密切相关。有人对南昌某工厂历年事故资料作过统计 ,发现炎热的6、7、8、9四个月是事故高发期。其他厂矿也有类似规律。另有一项研究表明
The latest research data at home and abroad show that the occurrence of various kinds of work-related accidents are closely related to the change of temperature, except for the main causes such as the poor technical level of the perpetrator, the flawed style or the violation of operating procedures. Some people in Nanchang factory accident statistics over the years made statistics found that hot 4,7,8,9 four months is the high incidence of accidents. Other factories and mines have similar rules. Another study shows