OBJECTIVE: To study the optimization method of sensor placement based on spatial modal recognition using a new improved harmony search algorithm. According to the research on the dynamic characteristics of gantry crane structure, we get a more ideal arrangement of measuring points and optimization results. Innovative points: 1. To study the reasonable range of parameter of harmonic search algorithm, to improve the computational efficiency; 2. To study the space modal identification of crane girder by using the harmony search algorithm combined with modal confidence criteria, Rationally optimize the program. Based on an improved harmony search algorithm and modal confidence criteria, the optimal sensor placement scheme was studied, and the optimal placement scheme was evaluated and compared by the established evaluation function to obtain an approximate Optimal measuring point position and the number of sensors; 2. Combined with the research results of the dynamic characteristics of gantry crane structure, their vibration modes in two-dimensional and three-dimensional space are studied and compared respectively, and a more optimal layout scheme is obtained. Conclusions: 1. The harmony search algorithm has the advantages of simple procedure and strong searching ability. The reasonable range of its parameters is obtained in this study, and its ability of optimizing search is improved.2. The ideal measuring point Location and reasonable number of sensors; 3. According to the dynamic characteristics of the crane structure, taking into account its spatial modalities can be more optimal optimization programs and recognition capabilities.