Study on the design of locust tree base homestay in jiudu village

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  Abstract:Traditional Chinese village is fundamental to the essence of farming civilization and Chinese, contains rich historical and cultural information and the natural ecological landscape resources is our country historical, cultural and natural heritage as a "living fossil" and "Museum", is Chinese traditional culture important carrier body and the Chinese nation's spiritual home. Under the background of mass tourism, rural tourism has become an important way to promote rural economic, social and cultural development. At present, the construction of rural tourism reception facilities is mainly in the form of guest houses, small hotels, farmhouse, and so on. Side of the reception ability is limited, on the other hand to take into account the maintenance characteristics of rural landscape, accommodation facilities also do not need to copy the shape and size of city hotel.
  Key words:The development and protection of ancient villages B & B type B &B future prospects
  Under the background of mass tourism, rural tourism has become an important way to promote rural economic, social and cultural development. At present, the construction of rural tourism reception facilities is mainly in the form of guest houses, small hotels and farmyard. Now, more and more ancient villages abandoned, as a kind of more food in their own home stay idle housing, family business, the reception facilities, offers a variety of special services can better meet the needs of the many tourists. Our current task is to do everything we can to achieve the maximum value with the least change on the basis of the protection and development of ancient villages. Protection must be combined with transformation, renewal and utilization.
  In fact, the whole design has retained the original features of jiudu, but on this basis it has changed some, making it more perfect for tourists. Reception hall design is two side wall into a display wall, made some content on the wall, on the left wall is one who has a sense of the background of the whole wall painting, and then to delve into the wall a few built-in display wall is placed in front of the two small display case, fully foil the beauty of the museum's grave, old atmosphere. Because this original building was originally the residence of the residents, it is now transformed into a small museum hall, but it still cannot get rid of some home decoration, so the space is too small to be used properly.
  Acacia tree bottom is the entrance of jiudu village, because there is an ancient acacia tree and get its name, and the museum is also just right here. Design a model JiuDu Village have a bird's eye view of exhibition room, because want to come to check in nine cross a home stay facility of visitors to experience the first nine cross a panoramic view of exhibition room there is a large sand table, the whole nine cross a bird's eye view of the model, sand table with a few small reveals ark respectively around with some other small village a panoramic view of the model. This can not only be a great exhibition, but also let visitors to jiudu see the beauty of the whole jiudu in advance, and also attract tourists to the village to experience the beauty of different villages.   Home stay facility design and the overall lighting in the museum are relatively soft, most are based on the artificial lighting, artificial lighting is divided into the overall lighting and local lighting, integral illume is mainly set up in some areas at the top of the droplight, local lighting is in some detail place of the space is decorated tube lights and shoot the light. The homestay guest room is designed with the bamboo of local characteristics. Various kinds of bamboo lamps can not only have the effect of lighting, but also become the characteristic decorations of the homestay. And museum hall USES Chinese style droplight, dim and yellow lamplight won't affect the exhibit and can foil atmosphere again. Downy lamplight and warm tonal and unified, build a kind of warm and comfortable environment. Choose bamboo, wooden material made of chandeliers.
  Although the whole design scheme is to praise "go with the trend and pursue the aesthetic feeling without design", it seems to be natural and arbitrary but considers every detail carefully. Grasp local characteristics, extract elements, so that tourists more relaxed into the integration. In the fidgety, noisy city circle a piece of music with strong natural flavor, bring people back to nature's pleasure, and take this as the center to extend the design. At the same time, through this graduation design makes me understand, should keep to learn, to try to design this stuff, not just think out to make, must see more, know how to do more, do better. Design comes from life. There is design everywhere in life.
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