“Qi harmony”, set of medieval magical novels, “Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi” Miscellaneous class recorded seven volumes, the title Southern Song Dynasty Squatter assistant Dongyang undoubtedly, two Tang “Chi” is also recorded, “New Tang Zhi” Change into novelist family. The author Dongyang undoubtedly the story of his life is not seen in Zi Shi Chuan, Ma Guo Han, “Yu Yunshan house series lost book” sub-novelist “Qi sequence” cloud: “undoubtedly unknown who, according to” Sui Zhi “ Riding the assistant Lang. ”Ho surname Court“ cloud: ’Dongyang’s out of Dongyang County.’ Candidates only. ”And cloud: “ title to take ”Chuang Tzu“ Things. ”Unfortunately, the original book was lost, but future generations cited from ancient books