1 只要是种子,哪个不想发芽?可是在种子的大千世界里,偏偏存在着例外:刺楸的种子在自然条件下就不发芽。即使有那么几粒发出芽来,如若和那无法计算不发芽的种子相比,也是沧海一粟。刺楸,是我国珍贵的用材树种之一。它不但是制做家具、乐器、车辆的优质木材,连树根、树枝、树叶、种子也都具有较高的经济价值。可是由于种子不能自行发芽,只靠根蘖苗进行极有限的无性繁殖,百年所生不抵一日滥伐,资源与日俱减。据林
1 As long as the seeds, which do not want to sprout? But in the world of seeds, but there is an exception: the seeds of Catalpa bungei does not germinate under natural conditions. Even though there are so few buds that sprout, it is a drop in the ocean compared to seeds that can not be calculated without germination. Katsura, is one of China’s precious timber species. It is not only made of high-quality wood furniture, musical instruments, vehicles, even the roots, branches, leaves, seeds also have high economic value. However, due to seeds can not germinate, only a very limited vegetative propagation of root tillering seedlings, one hundred years of birth can not afford to deforestation, resource depletion. According to Lin