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一河床孕育了河流。河流孕育了村庄。村庄又赋予了河流浅显而诗意的名字。村庄和河流永远是相依相偎的。童年的河岸被绿色密密深深地锁住,被那些绿锁住的还有一户户江南的农舍。我祖祖辈辈居住的家,就被封锁在其间,心甘情愿,自得其乐。有一天,那条叫湾里港的河流消失了。榉树的根,紫荆的根,柳树的根,竹子的根,它们彼此盘根错节,它们如此地团结,紧锁着河岸,却被重型的机械连根拔起。每一户农舍,都有一座河桥,河桥在吴语里又叫踏渡,一阶踏渡就是一页石板。我家的踏渡,每 A riverbed gave birth to the river. The river gave birth to the village. The village has given the river a shallow and poetic name. The village and the river are forever dependent on each other. Childhood riverbanks are deeply locked in green, green locked by a farmhouse in the south. My ancestors living in homes, they were blocked in the meantime, willing, enjoy themselves. One day, the river called Wanli Port disappeared. The roots of the beech, the roots of the bauhinia, the roots of the willow, and the roots of the bamboo are the root cause of each other. They so unite, hold on to the banks of the river, but are uprooted by heavy machinery. Each farmhouse, there is a river bridge, river bridge in Wu language also known as crossing, the first step is a page of stone. My home crossing, each
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Background MicroRNAs(miRNANAs) are endogenous, small non-coding RNAs that negatively regulate gene expression in diverse cardiovascular diseases. However, the r
一财网10月29日报道:国家发改委有关官员28日表示,“十二五”期间,国家将继续加大淘汰造纸业落后产能的步伐,力促造纸业走上低碳发展之路。在28日上午由中国造纸学会主办 Fi
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作者在解剖一具成年男性尸体标本时,发现其右侧肌皮神经存在走行及其分支变异。为积累解剖学资料,报道如下:该例标本右侧肌皮神经主干(横径为3.1 mm)由臂丛外侧束发出后,沿着
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