一个是发展迅速、日新月异的IT。 一个是根深蒂固、变化较慢的制度。 当二者相遇时,又会产生什么样的结果呢?究竟谁更重要?谁改变了谁? 曾经获得诺贝尔经济学奖的美国经济学家道格拉斯·C·诺斯,是制度经济学派的代表人物之一。他认为,有效率的经济组织是经济增长的关键。而有效率的经济组织需要在制度上作出安排和确立产权以便对人的经济活动造成激励,使社会收益率与私人收益率相接近。这就是英国和西班牙原本处于同一起跑线,有着类似的产业
One is the rapid development and rapid change of IT. One is a system that is deeply rooted and changes slowly. When the two meet, what will happen? Who is more important? Who changed who? Has won the Nobel Prize in economics American economist Douglas C. North, is the representative of the Institutional Economics One of the characters. He believes that an efficient economic organization is the key to economic growth. Efficient economic organizations, however, need to make institutional arrangements and establish property rights in order to stimulate human economic activity and bring the social rate of return close to the private rate of return. This is where Britain and Spain were originally on the same starting line, with similar industries