青蛤Cyclina sinensin(Gmelin)为亚热带种,是我国南北沿海习见的经济贝类,肉嫩味美,营养丰富。近几年由于生态环境日益破坏,加上人为的滥采酷捕,使青蛤资源急剧下降。为开发利用这一品种,农业部水产司于1987年把青蛤苗种培育作为重点课
Cyclina sinensin (Gmelin) is a subtropical species, which is an economic shellfish that is commonly seen in the coasts of north and south China. It is tender and nutritious and nutritious. In recent years due to the growing destruction of the ecological environment, coupled with the artificial abuse of cool capture, so that a sharp decline in clam resources. In order to develop and utilize this variety, the Department of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture,