针对传统的磁悬浮控制器电源采用硬开关拓扑实现,转换效率不高,发热严重,可靠性低,无法适用于磁悬浮系统的高温环境的特点,研究和提出一种基于LLC谐振变换器拓扑的磁悬浮控制电源。该拓扑不但能实现主次侧开关管的ZVS,而且能实现二次侧二极管的ZCS,可以大大提高磁悬浮电源的转换效率和可靠性。试验测试结果表明:330 V额定输入电压下,磁悬浮控制器电源满载效率高达92%。
Aiming at the characteristics of the traditional magnetic levitation controller power supply adopting hard switching topology, low conversion efficiency, serious heating, low reliability and unable to be applied to the high temperature environment of the magnetic levitation system, a magnetic levitation control based on LLC resonant converter topology is proposed and proposed power supply. The topology can not only realize the ZVS of the primary and secondary switching tubes, but also realize the ZCS of the secondary diode, which can greatly improve the conversion efficiency and reliability of the magnetic levitation power supply. Test results show that: at 330 V rated input voltage, magnetic levitation controller full load efficiency up to 92%.