这是一篇难产之作,早在1998年8月12日,笔者就对《我国孵化机行业发展现状与未来发展趋势》这一话题进行了调查,并取得了相关企业的支持。然而,从反馈过来的信息看,部分素材具有一定的代表性,但吹嘘的成份比重仍很大。鉴于本刊的导向会对有关企业的生产与经营产生一定的影响,故未轻易成文。周而复始近一年,本着对广大读者、用户负责的态度,我们有责任客观、公正地将孵化机行业的现状作一剖析,不妥之处欢迎同仁商榷。 一、我国孵化机市场的演变及态势
This is a difficult production work. As early as August 12, 1998, the author conducted a survey on the topic of “China’s incubator industry development status and future development trends” and obtained the support of related companies. However, judging from the feedback, some materials have a certain degree of representation, but the proportion of boasting components is still large. In view of the fact that the publication’s orientation will have a certain influence on the production and operation of the relevant companies, it has not been easily written. For nearly a year since the beginning of the cycle, in the attitude of being responsible to a large number of readers and users, we have the responsibility to objectively and fairly analyze the status quo of the hatchery industry. We welcome complaints from our colleagues. I. The Evolution and Trend of China’s Incubator Market