为防止帝国主义突然袭击,与苏联协调行动,毛泽东、彭德怀确定“积极防御”方针 新中国成立之初,国内战争的硝烟还未散去,邻境朝鲜战争的狼烟又起,中国军队征尘未洗,又匆匆披挂东征。 抗美援朝战争结束后,我国领导人判断,正在加紧包围中国的帝国主义国家有可能随时对我国发动突然袭击。1955年3月,毛泽东在党的全国代表会议上指
In order to prevent the sudden attack of imperialism and coordinate with the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai established the principle of “active defense.” At the very beginning of the founding of New China, the smoke of the civil war had not yet dispersed. The wars in the neighboring Korean war started again, Hurriedly put the eastern expedition. After the War to Resist the Aid and AAR Korea ended, our leaders judged that the imperialist countries that are stepping up their encirclement with China are likely to launch surprise attacks on our country at any time. In March 1955, Mao Zedong pointed out at the party’s national convention