OBJECTIVE: To analyze the distribution of age, weight, pregnancy times and other factors in Down Syndrome screening population of each gestation week in the region and to analyze the relationship between gestational age and prenatal screening efficiency in order to find out more efficient screening gestational weeks in this region or Gestational period. Methods A retrospective analysis of 5,179 pregnant women in our hospital from 16 to 20 + 6 weeks prenatal screening of pregnant women triple serum markers for screening of pregnant women with high risk of Down Syndrome line amniotic fluid cell chromosome diagnosis. Results The age and body weight of the screening population showed a normal distribution. There was no significant difference in age composition and gestational age among the screening population at different gestational ages. Body weight increased with gestational age. Pregnancy and Down’s screening of false positive rate has a correlation, 16-18 +6 gestational week false positive rate lower than other gestational weeks. Conclusion The screening age, weight and distribution of pregnant women have no significant effect on the screening efficiency. The optimal gestational period of screening is 16-18 + 6 weeks.