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传统观点皆认为许敬宗是唐朝一大奸臣。我们细读两《唐书》及有关资料,以马列主义唯物史观排比、分析,站在唐高宗时代社会转型、新旧势力斗争的高度观察,许敬宗在高宗(含武后参政)时期的政治态度及政绩,恰恰证明其是庶族(又称下层)地主的代表人物之一,尤其是在武则天从昭仪至天后中发挥了重要作用,是一位值得肯定的社稷大臣和忠臣。一许敬宗在武昭仪至皇后中的重要作用贞观二十三年(649)太宗去世,李治按定制还是顺利地在百官朝贺下登上了皇位,史 The traditional view that Xu Jingzong Tang is a big traitor. When we read the two books about Tang and other relevant materials, we use the Marxist-Leninist historical materialism to analyze and stand behind the height of the social transformation in the Tang era and the struggle between the old and new forces. Xu Jingzong’s political attitude during the period of Gaozong (political participation) And political achievement, just prove it is one of the representatives of the landlady (also known as the lower), especially in Empress Wu played an important role from Zhaoyi to Tin Hau, is a worthy affirmation of the Minister and loyal minister. A Xu Jingzong in the Wuzhaoyi to the Queen’s important role Zhenguan twenty-three years (649) Taizong died, according to custom or Li Zhizheng Baiguan Zhao He boarded the throne, history
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