Endovascular treatment of paravisceral mycotic aneurysm: Chimmeny endovascular sealing the end of de

来源 :World Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijing202740
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Open surgery is the elective treatment for mycotic aneurysms of the aorta. This surgery consists of resection of the aneurysm, debridement and revascularization with an in situ or extra-anatomic bypass. Even when surgery has been successful, the morbimortality is raised and the endovascular treatment has become an alternative for specific patients. When mycotic aneurysms involved the visceral arteries, more complex techniques are necessary such as fenestrated endovascular aortic repair or chimmeny endovascular aortic repair and the most frequent complications of this are endoleaks and oclussion the visceral arteries. We present a case of a pacient with a paravisceral abdominal mycotic aneurysms that was result with 2 chimney technique(in the right renal and superior mesenteric arteries) and a single Nellix EVAS(Endologix, Irvine, Calif) of 12 cm long without evidence of endoleaks in the follow-up. Open surgery is the elective treatment for mycotic aneurysms of the aorta. This surgery consists of resection of the aneurysm, debridement and revascularization with an in situ or extra-anatomic bypass. Even when surgery has been successful, the morbimortality is raised and the endovascular treatment has become an alternative for specific patients. When mycotic aneurysms involved the visceral arteries, more complex techniques are necessary such as fenestrated endovascular aortic repair or chimmeny endovascular aortic repair and the most frequent complications of this are endoleaks and oclussion the visceral arteries. We present a case of a pacient with a paravisceral abdominal mycotic aneurysms that was result with 2 chimney technique (in the right renal and superior mesenteric arteries) and a single Nellix EVAS (Endologix, Irvine, Calif) of 12 cm long without evidence of endoleaks in the follow -up.
善于求助是一种能力,而更应该做的是建立一个属于自己的工作支持系统。  小王一身正装,小心翼翼地站在老总面前等待最终的复试,结果,老总只看了他一眼。什么都没问就说:“你可以走了。”小王十分困惑,老总对他说:“你一定很想知道为什么,我可以告诉你答案——刚才乘电梯时,已经考过了。”  “我们是一起上来的。今天周一,来大厦办事的人很多,在电梯里,我注意到你伸着脖子歪着头使劲看,我明白你是想看清楚电梯运行状
A 34-year-old female complaining of abdominal fullness was diagnosed as scirrhous gastric cancer (type 4’) with peritonitis carcinomatosa in July 2002. A combi