Troy Cuvelier是一位影音设计师,他一直负责这这家公司林林种种的影院案例,大大小小的方案他都十分熟悉,他对于影院设计和处理各种奇怪房间的经验更是十分丰富,这次他就接到这样一个案例,这是一个面积相当小的影院房间……对于一个只有4.6×3.7m大小的房间来说,制作一个家庭影院显得有点局促。但是房屋的主人却认为他的房子有条件去安装一套大型的家庭影院系统。
Troy Cuvelier is an audiovisual designer who has been in charge of all the cinemas in this company. He is very familiar with all kinds of projects. He is very experienced in theater design and handling of strange rooms. This time he received such a case, this is a relatively small area of ?? the theater room ... ... For a 4.6 × 3.7m size of the room, making a home theater seems a bit cramped. But the owner of the home thinks his house has the condition to install a large home theater system.