
来源 :现代中西医结合杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tedious
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医院的收费工作是医院财务管理的重要组成部分,下面对门诊收费使用微机的实践和加强管理及调动收费人员积极性等问题谈几点意见。1门诊用微机收费取得的成效1.1统计数据准备完整快速:微机收费不仅提供收费总额和收费员所收金额,更重要的为门诊科室核算能提供重要的考核数据 The hospital’s fee collection work is an important part of the hospital’s financial management. The following comments are made on the use of computer-based outpatient fees, the strengthening of management, and the mobilization of fee-charging staff. 1 Outcomes achieved with computerized charges 1.1 Statistical data preparation complete and rapid: Microcomputer charges not only provide the total amount of fees and the amount collected by the toll collectors, but more importantly provide important assessment data for outpatient department accounting.
被绒毛钩藤(拟)Uncaria tomentosa(Willd.)DC.在南美民间用于治疗炎症、癌症、感染等。以前对该植物的研究多集中在其有机溶媒提取物,并认为吲哚生物碱为其活性成分。然而作
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1=F丢 女声独唱每分钟96拍(1 5 3 6 5 1 6535}1 5 1 3 5 1 4·327 1 0)l 1·1 5 一 一 ——————===Ⅲ==三三==手一——一 江南忆 江南美、.n厂、I 八I/。——、 5 1 5 3
1.啊,利默里克你多美丽,人们都夸赞2.我心爱的姑娘光彩照人,她比朝霞更3.她的容颜光洁又柔润,像高山白雪 一 1. Ah, Limerick, you are more beautiful, people are praised
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。新兴行业@丁聪 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Emerging industri
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