看了5期《农业图书情报学刊》。作为一名编委,想挑点毛病。 1、总的看,学术性文章还比较少,有些文章空话、套话多,没多少新东西。有的文章和教材里的内容没大差别,有的经验性文章扯的挺长。应当提倡大家写点短小精焊的、有新见的、真正属于研究结果的文章。有必要分头请有关人员审稿,不讲情面地拒绝那些可不登的稿件,删除一些冗余的语句。既日“学刊”,就得多点学术味。 2、编辑排版技术要讲究,有的文章标题转行不科学。前3期转接过多。版面利用不经
Read 5 “Journal of Agricultural Library and Information Science.” As a member of the editorial board, I would like to make some mistakes. 1, in general, academic articles are still relatively small, some articles empty talk, many sets of words, not much new things. Some articles and textbooks in the content of no big difference, and some empirical articles pull very long. We should encourage everyone to write short welding, new see, really belongs to the research results of the article. It is necessary to request the personnel concerned to review the manuscripts separately and to refuse those manuscripts that are unreasonable and to delete some redundant sentences. The “Journal” in the past, you have more academic flavor. 2, editing and layout technology to pay attention to, and some article title switch unscientific. Over the past three transfer too much. Layout without using