病例介绍患者,女性,84岁,因突发憋喘2h 加重伴咯泡沫样血痰30min,于2002-01-19.5:40入院,查体:呼吸35次/min ,脉搏124次/min,血压100/60mm Hg,神清,表情痛苦,呈端坐呼吸,口唇重度紫绀,面色苍白,大汗淋漓,双肺闻及中小水泡青及散在哮鸣音,心率124次/min,第一心音减弱,心前区闻及Ⅲ级吹风样收缩期杂音。心电图示:窦速,ST:V_(?),呈弓背向上抬高0.2~0.6mV,血清标商物正常(发病3h)。诊断:冠心病,急性广泛前壁心肌梗死(ST 段抬高型),急性左心衰,心功能
Case description The patient, female, 84 years old, due to sudden wheezing 2h aggravated with foamy blood-like sputum 30min, in 2002-01-19.5: 40 admission, physical examination: breath 35 times / min, pulse 124 times / min, blood pressure 100 / 60mm Hg, clear facial expression pain, was sitting and breathing, severe cyanotic lips, pale, sweating, lungs and small and medium blisters and scattered in the wheeze, heart rate 124 beats / min, the first heart sound weakened , Precordial area smell and Ⅲ grade hair style systolic murmur. Electrocardiogram: sinus speed, ST: V_ (?), Was bow raised upward 0.2 ~ 0.6mV, normal serum samples (onset 3h). Diagnosis: Coronary heart disease, acute extensive anterior myocardial infarction (ST segment elevation), acute left heart failure, cardiac function