素有东方明珠之称的大上海,市场经济发达,科技氛围浓厚,知识密集,人才济济。跻身于这种得天独厚、竞争激烈的环境之中,要想在事业上取得领先地位谈何容易!这里给大家介绍的是大上海众多佼佼者之一,市场经济大潮中不让须眉的巾帼强人刘铭君。1 “面对知识密集型的大上海,要想事业有成,只有学习加拼搏。”刘铭君如是说。一见面仔细端详她,女性中属中等偏高的身材,鼻梁上架一副眼镜,聪慧端庄,整体形象文气中透出内在的气质美。刘铭君是1969届初中毕业生,一毕业就去了黑龙江生产建设兵团。10年后回上海进了上海第六制药厂,又先后调到上海第三制药厂和上海延安制药厂。岁月流逝,当年边疆知青生
Known as the Oriental Pearl of Greater Shanghai, developed market economy, science and technology atmosphere, knowledge-intensive, talent. Among this unique and highly competitive environment, it is so easy to take a leading position in your career! Here is one of the many leaders in Greater Shanghai, one of whom is Liu Mingjun, a man in the market economy. 1 “In the face of knowledge-intensive Shanghai, to succeed in business, learning and hard work.” "Liu Mingjun said. A closer look at her met, women are medium high body, the nose shelves a pair of glasses, smart and dignified, the overall image of the inner temperament revealed the United States. Liu Mingjun is a junior high school graduate in 1969, a graduate went to Heilongjiang Production and Construction Corps. 10 years later returned to Shanghai into the sixth Shanghai Pharmaceutical Factory, has transferred to the third Shanghai Pharmaceutical Factory and Shanghai Yan’an Pharmaceutical Factory. The passage of time, the frontier educated youth