本篇介绍十二妙门初级功的第五种功法——息调功,该功以随息功为基础。兹将息调功的三调方法、要领、标准分述如下。 (一)调身 1.方法 息调动调身之法仅同吐纳法。 2.要领 息调功以“坦然自持”作为调身要领;此项要领是对前功法“威仪庄严”调身要领的发展。坦然自持即“洒脱自如,自持端坐”之谓。“洒脱”指“不羁不绊,自然自如”;“自持”指持身之法。功至一定深度,持身法自然生起,于是身躯自然端直,不疲不懈,犹有物持身,端然稳坐。
This article introduces the fifth power law of the twelve mafia beginners - interest adjustment work, which is based on the power factor. The interest rate adjustment will be the tone of the three methods, essentials, standards are described below. (A) the body 1. Method interest transfer Act of transfer only with the law of the spleen. 2. To adjust the collar to “calmly self-sustaining” as the key to adjust; this essentials is the pre-Gong law “solemn” adjustment of essentials development. Frankly self-sustaining that “free and easy, self-sustaining” that. “Free and easy” refers to “uninhibited trip, natural ease”; “self-sustaining” means supporting the law. Achievements to a certain depth, self-cultivation method naturally arises, so the body naturally straight, tireless, still things hold the body, sit tight and sit tight.