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在2011年的冬季刊,中国发展简报刊发文章,对全球知名社会创新和社会变革的引领和推动者,美国NGO—Ashoka(爱创家)进行了介绍。本期,中国发展简报又荣幸地约请到Ashoka的创始人和CEO比尔·德雷顿(Bill Drayton)先生本人接受专访,分享他个人对社会创新、社会创新家的理解,以及Ashoka在全球各国的实践,包括“登陆”中国的计划和进展。在德雷顿看来,发乎内心、秉持道德操守、专注地奉献于所有人的福祉,以高度的创造性推动社会体系和模式的改变,是社会创新家所需具备的特质。比尔·德雷顿是阿育王:服务公众的爱创家机构的创始人和首席执行官,他引领了社会创新领域的发展,迄今已经发展了包括近3000名顶尖社会创新家的全球网络,他们共同努力创建一个“人人都是变革者”(everyone a changemaker~(TM))的世界。德雷顿从青少年时期就是一个社会创新家。在哈佛大学和耶鲁大学读书期间,他发起成立了几个组织机构,包括耶鲁大学法律服务中心和每周一次跨学科的社会科学论坛——哈佛大学阿育王会议。1970年,他开始为在纽约的麦肯锡咨询公司工作。1977年到1981年,他担任美国环境保护署助理署长,在任期间,他发起了排放交易(《京都议定书》的基础)和其他改革。1981年,在为麦肯锡咨询公司兼职工作期间,他成立了两家机构,一个是阿育王,一个是保护环境保护署(Save EPA),后者后来更名为环境安全(Environmental Safety)。1984年他被选为麦克阿瑟研究员Fellow,获得奖金,使他得以全身心地投入阿育王的工作。目前他除了担任阿育王理事长兼首席执行官,还担任另外三个项目机构的理事长,分别是鼓励、资助和支持青少年创业的Youth Venture、倡导城市居民创建和共享绿地的CommunityGreens、推动美国更全面就业政策的Get AmericaWorking!。迄今为止,由于他做出的显赫成就,德雷顿获得了世界上众多的奖项和荣誉。 In the 2011 winter issue, China Development Brief published an article introducing NGO-Ashoka, a leading and facilitator of the world-renowned social innovation and social change. In this issue, China Development Brief was honored to invite Mr. Bill Drayton, founder and CEO of Ashoka himself to accept an interview to share his personal understanding of social innovators and social innovators, as well as Ashoka’s position in various countries Practice, including “landing” China’s plans and progress. In Drayton’s view, inner-hearted, upholding ethics, devotedly dedicated to the well-being of all, and highly creative in promoting changes in social systems and patterns are essential attributes for social innovators. Bill Drayton, Ashoka, Founder and CEO of Aloof, a public service, leads the social innovation space and has so far developed a global network of nearly 3,000 top social innovators who Work together to create a world in which everyone is a changemaker ~ (TM). Drayton is a social innovator from his youth. During his studies at Harvard University and Yale University, he initiated the establishment of several organizations, including the Yale Law Center and the weekly interdisciplinary social science forum Harvard Ashoka Conference. In 1970, he began working for a consulting firm in New York at McKinsey. From 1977 to 1981, he served as Assistant Director of the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States, during which time he initiated emissions trading (the basis of the Kyoto Protocol) and other reforms. In 1981, during his part-time job as a consulting firm for McKinsey, he founded two agencies, one is Ashoka, one is Save EPA and the latter was renamed Environmental Safety. In 1984 he was chosen Fellow of MacArthur Fellowship to receive a bonus, allowing him to dedicate himself wholeheartedly to Asoka’s work. He currently serves as Chairman and CEO of Ashoka and also serves as chairman of three other project agencies, namely, Youth Venture, which encourages, supports and supports youth entrepreneurship, CommunityGreens, which promotes urban residents to create and share green spaces, Get AmericaWorking, a comprehensive employment policy! To date, Drayton has won numerous awards and honors in the world for his outstanding achievements.
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