INTRODUCTION Traditional Tibetan historiographies agree that gnyav khri btsan po’s reign over surrounding principalities(rgyal phran)1throughout the Tibetan plateau ushered in a sociopolitical transformation of Tibet characterized by a trend toward political convergence.Because of his status as the progenitor of the Tibetan royal lineage and as the founding ancestor of the spu rgyal in the old Tibetan and Chinese sources,the topic of gnyav khri btsan
INTRODUCTION Traditional Tibetan historiographies agree that gnyav khri btsan po’s reign over surrounding principalities (rgyal phran) 1throughout the Tibetan plateau ushered in a sociopolitical transformation of Tibet characterized by a trend toward political convergence.Because of his status as the progenitor of the Tibetan royal lineage and as the founding ancestor of the spu rgyal in the old Tibetan and Chinese sources, the topic of gnyav khri btsan