Effect of high glucose, angiotensin Ⅱ and receptor antagonist Losartan on the expression of connect

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To observe the effect of high glucose, angiotensin Ⅱ (AngⅡ) and Losartan on the expression of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) mRNA in cultured mesangial cells (MCs) Methods MCs of SD rats were isolated and cultured High glucose (30 mmol/L) and AngⅡ (10 -9 , 10 - 7 , and 10 -5 mol/L) were added to the medium for 72 hours to observe the influence on CTGF mRNA expression Losartan of 10 -5 mol/L and AngⅡ of 10 -5 mol/L were added to the medium to observe the effects of Losartan on CTGF mRNA expression stimulated by AngⅡ The expressions of CTGF mRNA were detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) Results RT-PCR showed that high glucose and AngⅡ up-regulated the expression of CTGF mRNA, and AngⅡ stimulated the expression in a dose-dependent manner Expression of CTGF mRNA induced by AngⅡwas partially suppressed by 10 -5 mol/L Losartan (P<0 05) Conclusions High glucose and AngⅡ can enhance the expression of CTGF mRNA and thus be involved in the process of renal fibrosis Losartan can have a partial fibrogenesis-inhibiting effect, with implications for the treatment of renal fibrosis To observe the effect of high glucose, angiotensin II (Ang II) and Losartan on the expression of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) mRNA in cultured mesangial cells (MCs) Methods MCs of SD rats were isolated and cultured High glucose (30 mmol / L ) and AngⅡ (10 -9, 10 -7, and 10 -5 mol / L) were added to the medium for 72 hours to observe the influence on CTGF mRNA expression Losartan of 10 -5 mol / L and Ang Ⅱ of 10 -5 mol / L were added to the medium to observe the effects of Losartan on CTGF mRNA expression stimulated by Ang II The expressions of CTGF mRNA were detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) Results RT-PCR showed that high glucose and Ang II up -regulated the expression of CTGF mRNA, and AngII stimulated the expression in a dose-dependent manner expression of CTGF mRNA induced by Ang II was partially suppressed by 10 -5 mol / L Losartan (P <0.05) Conclusions High glucose and AngII can enhance the express ion of CTGF mRNA and therefore be involved in the process of renal fibrosis Losartan can have a partial fibrogenesis-inhibiting effect, with implications for the treatment of renal fibrosis
传说有一个穷人,一心想成为一个人见人羡的大富翁,几经努力没有实现心愿,绝望之下找到上帝,要求上帝赐给他财富, 让他实现自己的愿望。上帝禁不住他的软磨硬泡,便给了他一袋
毅墨彝摧一带肺爵融形弃燕蒸茸夺鹜带 一丁士一月 巧 ;一卞一( 二_一主一弓 一--一勺黔井晃鑫莱诵绪扛仗淇层 151152铃儿响叮(花腔女高音)@彼尔彭@邓易映@尚德义 Yimo Yi
奢侈品“涨声”再起。  日前,爱马仕在公布集团2013上半年业绩时放出涨价信息,称集团计划明年对产品进行提价。  爱马仕将此次涨价归因于丝绸、皮革等原材料价格的上涨以及汇率的波动。不过这样的理由遭到了很多网友的吐槽。有网友表示,奢侈品无非是找个理由例行涨价而已。  此外,有媒体报道称,继2月19日著名品牌路易威登(LV)在内地及澳门地区全面调价后,LV近日再次展开全球范围调价。  此前,Dior女
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