The magnetic anisotropy of the element in the Co0.9Fe0.1 thin film was studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. The variation of the magnetic moments of the hole elements in the sample components with different magnetization directions was measured by the residual magnetization mode. In addition to the presence of an easy axis of magnetization in the magnetically induced growth direction, there is an axis of soft magnetization similar to the axis in the direction perpendicular to the axis; the two in-plane magnetization axes are approximately 66 ° from the axis of easy axis alignment , Which constitutes the in-plane biaxial magnetic anisotropy. For different elements, the unit magnetic moment of the unit hole changes with the magnetization direction basically the same, and the magnetic moment of the unit hole of Fe atomic unit in different magnetization directions is about Co 87% of the corresponding value reflects the strong ferromagnetic coupling between Fe atoms and Co atoms.