Into the future:The challenge and promise of technology for digital libraries

来源 :Journal of Library Science in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fashion_darling
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For too long,we have conceived and built digital libraries as self-contained worlds consisting of digital object creation,management,discovery,delivery and use—walled gardens in the midst of thriving communities.This model runs counter to an intensively networked world where users encounter information through large discovery systems like Google and Amazon,and where “use” takes place in a variety of environments outside of the systems that manage those resources.As users shift to a networked world,digital libraries are challenged to break with their history of stubborn insularity,to adapt to that world or lose relevance.There is much on the horizon that holds promise for helping digital libraries change and increase their relevance.Wilkin will discuss the current paradigm of digital libraries and the consequences of that paradigm,will discuss the way that we can adapt our work in digital libraries,and will briefly examine specific examples of technologies that can contribute to more successful digital library efforts. For too long, we have conceived and built digital libraries as self-contained worlds consisting of digital object creation, management, discovery, delivery and use-walled gardens in the midst of thriving communities. This model runs counter to an intensively networked world where users encounter information through large discovery systems like Google and Amazon, and where “use ” takes place in a variety of environments outside of the systems that manage those resources. As users shift to a networked world, digital libraries are challenged to break with their history of stubborn insularity, to adapt to that world or lose relevance. Here is much on the horizon that holds promise for helping digital libraries change and increase their relevance. Will be discuss the current paradigm of digital libraries and the consequences of that paradigm, will discuss the way that we can adapt our work in digital libraries, and will only examine specific examples of technologies that can contribute to mor e successful digital library efforts.
早几年,在意大利足球甲级联赛中,德国球员几乎比比皆是,而今,在意甲赛场上纵横驰骋的德国球员只有一名,那就是效力于乌迪内斯队的前锋杀手奥利沃·比埃霍夫。 比埃霍夫生于1
摘 要:读者服务工作不仅是图书馆一切工作的出发点和落脚点,也是衡量党校图书馆工作水平的重要指标。党校图书馆要积极改进不足之处,努力做好读者服务工作。   关键词:党校;图书馆;读者服务工作   “一切为了读者,为了读者的一切”是党校图书馆工作的根本宗旨。党校图书馆的各项工作都紧紧围绕怎样搞好服务、尽量满足读者的各种信息需求来开展。读者服务工作不仅是图书馆一切工作的出发点和落脚点,也是衡量党校图
(一) 1993年中英组织联合探险队徒步穿越塔克拉玛干大沙漠,这是近代历史上人类征服大沙漠的一次壮举。我很高兴地被允许进入第二阶段的穿越,实现我梦寐以求的愿望。 第二阶
9月10日,全国甲级联赛第十五轮后的比赛监督例会在中国足球协会举行。 比赛监督汇报了甲A、甲B本轮各场比赛情况,整体正常。 因在第十四轮比赛中,四川全兴队违反比赛纪律,受