捧着游德远装帧精美的散文集《人生如路》,我为他能在繁忙的工作之余写出这样一本好书而感到由衷的高兴。 游德远的散文充满了热烈、雄壮的感情,但这种感情并不是靠汹涌澎湃、浓墨重彩的描写来展示,而是以平淡质朴的叙述来表现。那率意写出的文字,将蕴蓄胸中的激情舒缓、有节制地表现出来,这样的作品大都能耐人寻味,给人一种熨帖、宁静、质朴的美感。不仅像《高原上,那一座座兵站》、《情洒二郎山》等写川藏线生活的作品是这样,即使像写人生感悟及亲情的《飘动的风衣》、《寻找生命的幸福》、《落叶颂》、《深情如水》等,也是飘逸洒脱,流转自如。从这些作品中你能感受到作者那豪放洒脱的性格。
Holding an exquisite essay collection entitled “Life in Your Way,” I am delighted to be able to write such a good book in my busy spare time. The prose of You Deyuan is full of warm and magnificent feelings, but this feeling is not displayed by the surging and thick descriptions, but by plain and simple narration. The words that are written in a hysterical way will ease and moderate the passion contained in the chest. Most of the works are thought-provoking, giving people a kind of ironing, tranquility and rustic beauty. It is not only the works written in the Sichuan-Tibet line, such as “a station on the plateau” and “Erlang Mountain”, but also “floating windbreaker” and “looking for the happiness of life” that write about life sentiment and affection, “Songs of the Fallen Leaves,” “affectionate,” and so on, but also elegant and free, flow freely. From these works you can feel the bold and free-flowing character of the author.