目的为了提高少数民族患者健康教育的落实程度和效果,对健康教育的方式进行改进和探索。方法运用少数民族语言视屏健康教育并与常规教育方式进行比较。结果实施视屏健康教育提高了患者接受健康教育的程度,提高了患者对护理健康教育的满意度。结论在新疆少数民族患者多,护患沟通存在障碍的情况下,由实施视屏健康教育有利于健康教育的贯彻落实。“,”Objective To improve the level and effect of health education for patients with ethnic minorities, to improve the way of health education and explore. Methods The use of minority language videos health education and comparing with conventional education methods. Results The implementation of video health education to improve the degree of the patients received health education, improve the patients satisfaction of nursing health education. Conclusion In patients with ethnic minorities in xinjiang, communicate the presence of obstacles, nurses and patients by the implementation of the video to implement health education is helpful to health education.