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胡锦涛总书记指出:“要建立和完善科学的干部政绩考核体系和奖惩制度,形成正确的用人导向和用人制度。”党的十七大指出,要完善体现科学发展观和正确政绩观要求的干部考核评价体系。《深化干部人事制度改革规划纲要》将健全考核评价机制列为党政干部制度改革整体推进的任务之一。浙江省委高度重视干部考核工作。2009年2月,制定出台了《关于健全完善促进科学发展的干部考核评价机制的实施意见》及其配套的《浙江省市、县(市、区)党政领导班子和领导干部综合考核评价实施办法(试行)》、《浙江省党政工作部门领导班子和领导干部综合考核评价实施办法(试行)》、《浙江省党政领导班子和领导干部年度考核实施办法(试行)》、《浙江省高等学校领导班子和领导干部综合考核 General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out: “We must establish and perfect a scientific cadre performance appraisal system and rewards and punishments system so as to form a correct employment orientation and employment system.” The 17th CPC National Congress pointed out that it is necessary to perfect the requirements of reflecting the scientific development concept and the correct performance concept Cadre assessment system. “Deepening the cadre and personnel system reform plan” will improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism as the party and government cadres system reform as a whole to promote one of the tasks. Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee attaches great importance to cadre assessment. In February 2009, Opinions on Implementing and Implementing the Cadre Assessment Mechanism for Sound and Perfect Scientific Development were formulated and put into effect, and the "Comprehensive Implementation of the Assessment and Assessment of the Leading Cadres and Party and Governmental Leading Groups and Cadres in Zhejiang Province and County (Cities and Districts) Measures for the Implementation of the General Examination and Evaluation of Leading Groups and Leading Cadres in Zhejiang Party and Government Working Teams (for Trial Implementation), Measures for the Annual Assessment of the Leading Groups and Leading Cadres of Zhejiang Province (for Trial Implementation), Zhejiang Province Comprehensive Assessment of Leading Groups and Leading Cadres in Colleges and Universities
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