如何正确地、科学地抱婴儿?德国医生给妈妈们提供了几种姿势。这些姿势考虑到了婴儿的骨骼肌肉系统的年龄特点和他们的心理特征,同时,也考虑到了婴儿的重量不断增加对妈妈的身体支撑器官的负担。 1.悬空这个姿势适合3个月以前的、还不能支撑头部的婴儿。妈妈一只手托住婴儿的脖子和后脑勺,另一只手托着婴儿的臀部。婴儿的身体微微弯曲,脸朝着妈妈。这个姿势使婴儿同妈妈能自由地进行感情交流。为了避免婴儿头总转向一侧,妈妈要经常变换双手。
How to correctly and scientifically hold babies? German doctors provide mothers with several kinds of gestures. These gestures take into account the age characteristics of the baby’s skeletal muscular system and their psychological characteristics, while also taking into account the increasing weight of the baby’s burden on the mother’s body supporting organs. 1 vacant This position is suitable for 3 months ago, still can not support the head of the baby. Mother holds the baby’s neck and back of her head with one hand and the baby’s buttocks with the other. The baby’s body bent slightly, facing the mother. This position allows the baby to communicate freely with her mother. In order to avoid the baby always turn to the side of the head, her mother often change hands.