Background: African-American adolescent women are at high risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and although there are many preventative measures specifically devoted to this population, the risk of developing HIV remains the same. PURPOSE: This article presents a second type of preventative measures and evaluates their effectiveness in reducing unsafe sex, reducing the number of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), pregnancy, and promoting some intermediate aspects of HIV prevention. DESIGN, INSTITUTIONS AND SUBJECTS: From December 1996 to April 1999, randomized controlled trials were conducted in 522 out of 522 community health clinics that had previously had sexual experiences of African descent aged 14-18 years American girl. Subjects self-completed a questionnaire and interviewed, demonstrating several condom use tips, providing some samples for testing STDs, and then evaluating outcomes at 6 months and 12 months of follow-up . Specific preventive measures are: all subjects are connected