永城市位于苏、鲁、豫、皖四省结合部,素有“豫东门户”之称。面积2000平方公里,辖30个乡镇,128万人。 永城历史悠久,人文荟萃,物华天宝,资源丰富。是全国商品粮基地、优质棉基地和山羊板皮基地,粮棉油产量跃入全国百强县行列。永城辣椒、高庄酥梨、丰在枣干等名优特产久负盛名。现已查明,地下含煤面积为572平方公里,精查储量31亿吨,为全国六大无烟煤基地之一。
Yong city is located in the Soviet Union, Shandong, Henan, Anhui and the four provinces, known as the “gateway to eastern Henan,” said. Area of 2000 square kilometers, administer 30 townships, 1280000 people. Yongcheng has a long history, cultural blend, Wuhua Tianbao, rich in resources. It is a national commodity grain base, high-quality cotton base and goat skin base, and grain and cotton oil output has leapt to the ranks of the top 100 counties in the country. Evergreen pepper, Gao Zhuang Pear, abundance of dried dates and other famous specialty products prestigious. It has been ascertained that the underground coal-bearing area is 572 square kilometers and the refined reserve is 3.1 billion tons, making it one of the six major anthracite coal bases in the country.