1999年中国高血压防治指南中指出,我国服药的高血压患者中血压降至正常(达标)的,城市仅4.2%,农村更低为0.9%,平均只有2.9%。换句话说,每100人中只有3人血压达标。产生这样的情况原因很多。有一个原因是病人不愿长期服用降压药,认为长期服药对身体有害。现在就来说说这个问题。 1.药物(包括降压药)都有不良反应:有的人认为西药有不良反应,多吃对身体有害;中药没有不良反应,长期服用对身体没有坏处。这种看法是不对的。中医书籍中说“是药三分毒”,
In 1999, the guidelines for prevention and treatment of hypertension in China pointed out that the blood pressure dropped to normal (standard) in hypertensive patients taking medicine in our country, only 4.2% in urban areas and 0.9% in rural areas, with an average of only 2.9%. In other words, only 3 out of 100 people achieve blood pressure compliance. There are many reasons for this situation. One reason is that patients are reluctant to take antihypertensive drugs for long periods of time, believing that long-term medication is harmful to their health. Let’s talk about this issue now. 1. Drugs (including antihypertensive drugs) have adverse reactions: Some people think that western medicine has adverse reactions, eat more harmful to the body; Chinese medicine has no adverse reactions, long-term use no harm to the body. This view is wrong. Chinese medicine books that “is the third drug poison”