一、全国化工经济运行的基本情况1998年全国化工完成工业增加值762.44亿元(现价),按可比价格计算比上年增长9.74%;实现销售收入2657.11亿元,比上年增长0.2%;实现利税总额182.08亿元,比上年下降9.4%,其中利润总额为23.79亿元,比上年下降53.5%。1998年化工企业亏损面为39.61%,比上年减少1.2个百分点。纵观全国化工系统一年来的经济运行情况,有忧有喜,喜的是整体经济效益下滑势头得到遏制,全国化工经济效益情况逐步有所改善,并且呈逐月回升趋势(如下表所示);忧的是经济效益总体水平依然较低,有14个省、 (区、市)处于全化工行
I. The basic situation of the national chemical economic operation In 1998, the national chemical industry completed an industrial added value of 76.244 billion yuan (current price), calculated at a comparable price increase of 9.74% over the previous year; realized sales revenue of 265.71 billion yuan, an increase of 0.2% over the previous year; Total profits and taxes totaled 18.208 billion yuan, a decrease of 9.4% from the previous year, of which total profit was 2.379 billion yuan, a decrease of 53.5% from the previous year. In 1998, the loss of chemical companies was 39.61%, a decrease of 1.2 percentage points from the previous year. Looking at the economic operation of the national chemical system in the past year, there are concerns and joys. The overall economic benefits have been deterred. The economic benefits of the country have gradually improved, and it has shown a trend of monthly recovery (as shown in the following table); The worry is that the overall level of economic efficiency is still low, with 14 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in the entire chemical industry.