The aim is to improve the yield of human bone marrow fibroblast colonies (CFU-F) and shorten the culture time. Methods Based on the in vitro amplification methods of human bone marrow stromal cells, 1 × 107 mononuclear cells per 10 ml culture medium were used instead of bovine calf serum with 30% human AB serum, which increased basic fibroblasts Cell growth factor (bFGF), and then added hydrocortisone and the appropriate amount of IMDM culture medium, cultured 9d observation results. Results Within a certain range of human serum, bFGF can promote the proliferation of CFU-F, increase its yield and shorten the culture time of 3 ~ 5d. Conclusion It can be applied to the in vitro expansion and passage of human bone marrow stromal cells, which is of great significance for studying the properties of CFU-F and its application in hematopoietic diseases