The Teaching of English Literary Works in High Schools in China

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ratawo
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  【Abstract】 English literary works, especially British and American literary works, are important materials for English learners to study authentic English and western culture. However, English literary works are not widely taught in high schools in China. In this paper, questionnaire survey is adopted to study high school students’ attitudes towards English literary works first. Then, based on teaching practices in Nanjing No.9 High School, this paper demonstrates how English literary works should be taught in class.
  【Key words】English literary works; English learner; high schools in China
  1. Teaching status of English literary works in high schools in China
  Under the huge pressure from the university entrance examination, the course of British and American literature is often not offered at high schools in China. Though students have been learning English for many years, they know little about western countries and their culture.
  We conducted a questionnaire survey on 90 students from Nanjing No.9 High School. The result is listed in the following table:
  As is shown in the table, English literary works are rarely taught in class (18%) while most students wish to learn English literature in class (80%). English Curriculum Standards for Senior High School (2017) issued by the Ministry of Education of China stipulates that cultural awareness is one of the four core competences of English. British and American literature exactly serves this purpose by exposing students to authentic English and introducing western culture to them.
  2. Ways to teach English literary works in class
  2.1 Choosing appropriate materials
  Teachers can choose excerpts from classic novels, plays or poems in British and American literature. Firstly, the teaching materials should be based on students’ English level. Secondly, given the limited time in class, teachers should select a proper length. Thirdly, the selected materials should have a certain purpose or meaning and reflect a certain aspect of the western society and culture.
  2.2 Designing activities
  A detailed lesson plan is required before each class, which consists of pre-reading, reading and post-reading.
  In pre-reading, teachers can introduce relevant background information on the author, history, language styles, and stylistic knowledge. This helps improve students’ cultural awareness.   In reading, students should be given enough time to read materials by themselves. They can appreciate the authentic English or analyze the text from their own point of view. Teachers should not assign tasks at this stage. Otherwise, the pleasure of reading will be deprived.
  In post-reading, various follow-up activities are designed according to the genre and content of reading materials. In the case of a poem, students can read it aloud or try to write a poem of their own. In the end, teachers can ask some comprehension questions and organize group discussions for students.
  3. Conclusion
  This paper shows that most students in Nanjing No.9 High School have a keen interest in learning English literary works in class. Teachers can choose appropriate reading materials and design various in-class activities. The teaching of English literary works should be promoted in more high schools in China in the future.
[摘要] 目的 探讨低血糖脑病的临床表现及产生原因。方法 36例患者按临床表现分类并完善头部CT检查。所有患者一经确诊立即给高渗糖静脉注射治疗。结果 35例患者经治疗后痊愈出院。1例胰岛细胞瘤患者经治疗症状缓解,转外科治疗。结论 临床上以抽搐、偏瘫及精神异常为首发症状就诊的患者,需注意发生低血糖性脑病的可能。  [关键词] 低血糖症; 急性脑功能障碍; 低血糖脑病; 原因; 治疗  [中图分类号]
一、桃花案  当欧阳警长和警员小夏赶到贝当路的时候,发现还是被记者抢了先。记者们正用照相机对着死者咔咔乱拍,小夏赶开他们,让欧阳上前。  死者是位年轻女性,欧阳只看了一眼,就想起了她的艺名“露凝香”,真是人如其名。露凝香本是大上海著名京剧名伶,就连从不爱看戏的欧阳慕名看了几场后,也沦为戏迷。然而,这位倾国倾城的一代名伶,由于吃了拌有砒霜的糖炒栗子,已然死于非命。  首先发现死者的,是家庭医生卓兰。
“哥,醒醒,别睡了,你瞅瞅这条招聘启事。这世界真奇妙嘿,只见过网上有剩女雇男朋友,应付爹妈的,头一回听说有雇弟弟,哄老妈开心的。哥,还别说,這照片跟你挺像的,我看不像是忽悠人,要不你按这个电话打过去。”  我翻了个身,继续睡我的觉,不搭理他。我跟弟有着不小的代沟。他喜欢一切新鲜事物,上次中秋节他真被人家雇去当男朋友了,回来后意犹未尽,直嚷着没演过瘾。我给他泼了好几盆冷水后,他才从戏里走出来,不再惦
林佳昆好久没回老家看妈妈了,工作太忙,离家又太远,只得把回家的欲望一次次硬生生扼杀了。  这回机会来了。公司安排林佳昆坐火车出趟差,巧的是,出差的路线恰好经过家乡,但出差来回行程十分紧凑,根本不可能停留一下。  过家门而无法停留,林佳昆一时丧气极了,突然间脑子里电光一闪,有主意了!  他立即拨通家里的电话,兴奋地说:“妈、妈,我明天回家,不不不,不是不是……”  电话那头妈妈一听说儿子要回家,声音
[摘要] 目的 探讨中西医结合治疗消化性溃疡的疗效。方法 对照组服用奥美拉唑胶囊,阿莫西林胶囊、克拉霉素片,治疗组在此基础上加服中药香砂六君子汤治疗。结果 治疗组总有效率为96%,对照组总有效率为81%,幽门螺旋杆菌清除率治疗组110例占92%,对照组65例,占81%,两组比较(P<0.05)。结论 中西结合治疗消化性溃疡优于单纯西药治疗。  [关键词] 消化性溃疡; 中西医结合; 香砂六君子汤
又来了一个老奶奶,弯腰看了好一会儿,还是去对面大卡车上买去了,那人的淮山,又细又长。相同的场景,已重复了数十次。已经半个墟日过去了,老叟的淮山还是一斤未卖出。  老叟坐不住了。这淮山是自己选的老种,选最好的黄沙土,用真正的人畜肥草木灰养大的,整整长了一年,又粗又大,比“大卡车”卖的便宜的多,怎么就没人要呢?不是说城里人最识货吗?  老叟决定吆喝几嗓子。  “又粗又大的有机淮山嘞,想要的过来看看!”
杨军是市心连心志愿者协会的负责人。在一场关爱留守儿童的活动中,认识了百里外马坪镇小学的留守儿童小杰。  到了年底,杨军从小杰的来信中得知,小杰的父母今年又不回来陪他过年时,杨军就想到了接小杰上自己家里来过个年,正好跟自己的儿子刚刚做个伴。  小杰在马坪镇跟着外公外婆生活。这次到马坪镇来接小杰时,杨军便问小杰的外公外婆,小杰的妈妈不回家来过年,那他的爸爸呢?在外面工作再忙,总不会连自己的孩子都不挂念
一  老唐到了耄耋之年,住进了医院。老伴的身体也不好,病病歪歪的,不能到医院来照顾老唐。照顾老唐的任务就落到了他的四个女儿与四个女婿身上。虽说有四个女儿与女婿,但能来医院照顾老唐的,就只有小女儿唐华华与女婿叶之胜。小女儿唐华华也快60岁了,她的女儿,也就是老唐的外孙女,最近生了二孩,唐华华就去侍候女儿,医院来得少,都是叶之胜在医院忙前忙后照顾老唐。  按说叶之胜也没空到医院来照顾老唐,应该去女儿家
【摘要】在新时期高中英语课程教学中,为能够使整体课程教学得到满意的效果,需要有效开展各个方面的教学工作,而词汇教学就是其中比较重要的一个方面。在新课程学教理念的影响下,为能够使高中英语词汇教学质量及效率得以有效提升,需要结合新课程理念选择有效策略开展英语词汇教学,从而使英语词汇教学符合实际需求,为学生英语水平及能力的提升提供更好的基础与支持,满足实际需求。  【关键词】高中英语;词汇教学;教学策略