铿——锵而有节奏的列车披着桔红色的曙光,在白城至阿尔山铁路线上奔驰着。前面,就在那遥远的天地连接线上,大兴安岭的莽莽林海、科尔沁草原的辽阔牧场,已隐隐现出波澜壮阔的剪影。我们的耳畔又回荡起著名歌唱家胡松华那激越、粗犷、奔放的歌声: “走上这哟, 高高的兴安岭啊, 山下是茫茫的草原, 她是我可爱的家乡……” 我的眼前情不自禁地叠印出兴安盟绚丽的山光水色——科尔沁珍禽保护区百鸟争鸣,察尔森水库渔歌唱晚;成吉思汗庙游人如潮,阿尔山神泉圣水喷珠泻玉、沁人心脾;乌兰毛都草原畜群如云,牧歌伴随着乳香飘浮在广袤的沃野农田,五谷丰登,稻麦飘香。改革开放的如椽巨笔在这块59000多平方公
Keng - Clang and rhythmic train draped orange dawn, in the White City to Aershan line with the Mercedes-Benz. In front of that world in that distant connection, the vast forest of Daxinganling, Horqin grassland vast pastures, has been imposing a magnificent silhouette. Our ears echoed the famous singer Hu Songhua that agitated, rough, bold singing: “Go to this yo, high Xinganling ah, the mountain is the vast grassland, she is my lovely hometown ... ” My eyes can not help but overprinted Xingan UNITA magnificent mountain water color - Horqin rare birds and birds contend Bird Reserve, Fisher fishing fishing late Celine; Genghis Khan temple tourists tide, Aershen Shenquan holy water Pearl Zhu Xieyu, refreshing; Lantau prairie herds such as clouds, herdsman accompanied by floating incense in the vast fertile farmland, bumper harvest, rice and wheat fragrance. Reform and opening up, such as rafter giant pen in this piece of more than 59,000 square kilometers