【摘 要】
Huang Shidian, Zhang and root two comrades “forestry economy” in 1987 the second issue of the article, entitled “Small-scale contract-based self-employed is to accelerate the development of China’s forestry, the main way” to me in the “forestry economy” in 1986 In the fourth issue, “Trying to reduce the feasibility of self-employed forestry by farmers” put forward different views. For this reason, I would like to share some ideas for discussion.
Within the memory of theyoungest child there wasa family of rabbits wholived near a pack of wolves.Thewolves announced that they didnot like the way the rabbit
形容词用作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词之前,多个形容作某一名词的定语时还要根据与被修饰名词的关系疏密确定定语的位置,如:外国先进经验 advanced foreign experience
August 29th of 1842was a very humiliat-ing day to the Chinesepeople.On that day 155 yearsago,there assembled over 80British naval vessels flyingflags of Great
作文是小学生认识水平和语言文字表达能力的综合体现,作文教学是整个语文教学的重要组成部分,是语文教学中的重点和难点。《语文课程标准》中指出:“小学生作文就是练习把自己看到的、听到的、想到的内容或亲身经历的事情,用恰当的语言文字表达出来。”那么如何提高学生的作文能力呢?本人的粗浅看法,认为应该抓好下面四个方面的教学。 一、启发诱导,激发兴趣 兴趣是最好的老师。在作文教学中,教师要乐教,学生才能乐
He was born on 26 September 1898, New York City, New York. As a youngsterGeorge Gershwin was a poor student, happy to spend his days playing in thestreets. He