麻黄的成份主要含多种生物碱和少量挥发油。生物碱中主要有效成份为左旋麻黄碱占总生物碱的80~85%;其次为伪麻黄碱,以及微量的L—N—甲基麻黄碱、D—N—甲基伪麻黄碱、去甲基麻黄碱、去甲基伪麻黄碱和麻黄次碱等;挥发油中含1—α—松油醇,此外尚含鞣质等。1 发汗作用麻黄发汗为几千年来临床所证实,古人也正是利用其发汗作用治疗风寒束表、腠理闭塞、
The ingredients of ephedra mainly contain a variety of alkaloids and a small amount of volatile oil. The main active ingredient in alkaloids is levoephedrine 80-85% of total alkaloids; followed by pseudoephedrine, and traces of L-N-methylephedrine, D-N-methyl pseudoephedrine, demethylephedrine, Demethyl pseudoephedrine and ephedra, etc.; volatile oil containing 1-alpha-terpineol, in addition to still contain tannin. 1 The sweating effect of ephedra perspiration has been confirmed clinically for thousands of years, and the ancients also used its sweating effect to treat cold beam bundles, convulsions, and obstructions.