New Industries Should be the Main Impetus for the Development

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  For a long time, Guangxi’s industrial development only relies on local resources, and there is a mismatch between its location advantage and industries. As a coastal and border area, Guangxi should depend on its location value to facilitate its industrial distribution and development.
  In such a context, Professor Zhang Lin, Deputy Director of the Economic Research Center of the School of Business at Guangxi University believed that, the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone (BGEZ) should take the opportunity of the current in-depth reform, lay emphasis on its featured industrial parks including Nanning Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Qinzhou Free Trade Port Area and China-Malaysia (Qinzhou) Industrial Park, and focus on its export processing industries, logistics industries, marine industries and strategic emerging industries, trying to make them the main impetus for the development of the BGEZ.
  Transfer Growth Modes to Attract Foreign Investment
  “At present, the economic development in the BGEZ is investment-driven, i.e., policy-led investment. Significant progress has been made in transportation and information construction, as well as petrochemical engineering. In the future, the BGEZ would rely on knowledge-intensive economy to obtain high added-value, and the growth mode would be innovation-led”, said Mr. Zhang Lin.
  In recent years, the BGEZ has entered a new stage of overall opening-up after years of accelerated construction. However, compared with China’s developed regions in the east, the BGEZ still lags behind them in economic aggregate, industrial and city development, as well as system and mechanism innovation.
  In this connection, Mr. Zhang Lin believed, in an open and dynamic market, the BGEZ needs to combine the inward and outward opening-up, shift from extensional growth to connotative growth.
  In addition, in the strategic context of “One Belt and One Road”, the BGEZ should transfer its location value to economic benefits when hardware infrastructure construction has achieved marked effects. It should reduce the costs to invest there via market-based distribution of resources, so as to attract investment and stimulate the further growth of economy. “What the BGEZ must do in the future is to focus on creativity to develop knowledge-intensive economy and raise its service ability and economic operation efficiency, which requires the government to lay out relevant systems and carry out in-depth reforms based on market discipline”, said Mr. Zhang.   Elevate Industrial Professionalization and Realize Leaping Development
  Key industrial parks are the main platforms for industry agglomeration and the main force for the upgrading of BGEZ. In 2008, the gross output value of BGEZ was only 221.97 billion yuan; while in 2014, the number reached 544.821 billion yuan. This change could be attributed to those key industrial parks. Hence, if the BGEZ wants to maintain such rapid development, it needs to focus on major industrial parks, and develop its key industries by utilizing its location advantages, so as to make a perfect transformation in economic growth.
  Currently, the BGEZ houses 29 key industrial parks including Nanning Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, China-Malaysia (Qinzhou) Industrial Park and Beihai Industrial Park has attracted several large-scale transnational enterprises such as Sinopec, PetroChina, Foxconn and Sinar Mas Group, making itself the new gathering place of industries at home and abroad.
  However, in such a competition process, industrial isomorphism is inevitable, which has affected the region’s overall comprehensive economic strength and external competitiveness. Against such background, the BGEZ will implement negative list in the planning of major industries to promote the diversified development of industrial parks and form their own features, so as to further optimize and upgrade industrial distribution and realize leaping development in economy.
  With regard to this, Mr. Zhang Lin believed that professionalization is an important indicator to measure economic development, which is manifested by the unique features of industrial parks. And the diversified development displays the cooperation and division of labor among different areas, which confirms to the development of modern economy. Now, industries in the BGEZ have a low level of professionalization. Industrial parks in the region should focus on specific industries to strengthen industrial professionalization via three progressive steps: first, to achieve professionalization in industrial scale and form a comparative advantage nationwide; second, to realize professionalization in human resources and form a comparative advantage nationwide; third, to form professionalization in industrial innovation so as to take a lead nationwide.
  In addition, Mr. Zhang claimed, there is a mismatch between Guangxi’s location advantage and its industries. For a long time, Guangxi’s industrial development only relies on local resources. As a coastal and border area, Guangxi should depend on its location value to facilitate its industrial distribution and development. Therefore, major industrial parks in the BGEZ must strengthen their export processing industries, sea-bordering industries, large-scale equipment manufacturing industries, logistics industries, marine industries and strategic emerging industries, contributing to establishing an economic system featured by “having both resources and products on the world market”. This is also an important step to promote industrial transformation in Guangxi and help its industries to enter into world economy.   Utilize Maritime Advantages to Realize Transformation
  With a coastline of 1,595 km, the Beibu Gulf abounds in marine organisms and mineral resources, being one of the four famous tropical fisheries in China. As 2015 is designated as the Year of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation, it is the right time for BGEZ to develop its maritime economy.
  The BGEZ, with god-given advantages, should rely on ocean, port and shipping industries, strive to develop sea products processing industries and marine aquaculture industries, and make use of the BGEZ, the ASEAN-oriented platform, to encourage enterprises to go global.
  “2015 is the Year of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation. The BGEZ could take this opportunity to expand its imports and exports of marine products as well as oil and gas resources, and promote relevant processing industries. At the same time, it could make full use of the sea areas of the ASEAN countries and help its marine industries like pearl and sea products industries go global”, said Mr. Zhang Lin.
  In his opinion, the Beibu Gulf, with high quality water and rich marine resources, enjoys superior fishery resources and huge oil and gas resources. Now, Beihai, Qinzhou and Fangchenggang possess well-developed fishery, pearl, as well as oil and gas industries, which boast comparatively large markets and good brand effects. In such a context, the BGEZ should seize the opportunity and pursue a new round of economic take-off.
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