Objective: To establish an HPLC method for the determination of content and uniformity of chlorphenamine maleate in Cha Xinnao Min tablets. METHODS: AglentC 18 column (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) was used to elute a solution of 0.01 mol·L -1 potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution and 0.02 mol·L -1 heptane sulfonate solution (58.5: 35.5: 6) as the mobile phase. The column temperature was 30 ℃, the flow rate was 1.0 ml · min ~ (-1) and the detection wavelength was 264 nm. Results: Chlorphenamine maleate showed good linearity in the range of 20-120 μg · ml -1 with r = 0.9999, average recovery 103.6% and RSD 1.6% (n = 6). Conclusion It is suggested to increase the content of chlorpheniramine maleate in tablets and check the content uniformity.