
来源 :神华科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JINZI1975
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从上个世纪末,中国掀起了大规模的信息化建设的浪潮,众多企业在开展了一系列信息化工作及建成众多信息系统后,开始面对如何评价信息化水平这一难题。目前,这个问题无论在理论界,还是实践界没有一个统一的答案。神华集团根据多年信息化建设的经验,结合自身情况和对IT水平评价管理工作的理解,构建了具有神华集团特色的IT水平评价管理体系,迈出了坚实而有力的一步,也为信息化水平评价工作贡献出自身的思考和理解。 Since the end of last century, China has launched a wave of large-scale informatization construction. After carrying out a series of informatization work and building a large number of information systems, many enterprises began to face the challenge of evaluating the informatization level. At present, there is no unified answer to this question both in theorists and practitioners. Based on its years of experience in informatization construction, Shenhua Group has constructed an evaluation system of IT level with the characteristics of Shenhua Group based on its own situation and its understanding of IT level evaluation and management. It has taken a solid and potent step toward informationization Evaluation work contribute their own thinking and understanding.