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顺应大众媒介发展的时代大背景,结合传媒技术与传媒领域的音乐人才需求,高等音乐教育的理念、手段开始发生转型,高等音乐教育的专业领域亦萌生新枝。在高等(艺术)院校中,近年来涌现出一系列与音乐传播现象、音乐传播行为紧密相关的新型机构、系、专业方向、课程设置,如音乐传播、电子音乐、音乐编辑、(音乐)艺术管理、音乐商务管理、影视音乐制作、音乐工程、音乐音响 Following the great background of the development of the mass media, the transformation of the concept of musical education in higher education in the fields of media technology and media, and the reform of the concept of higher music education, have also taken shape and new branches have also been sprung up in the professional fields of higher music education. In higher (art) colleges and universities, a series of new institutions, faculties, specialties and curricula that are closely related to the phenomenon of music dissemination and music dissemination have emerged in recent years, such as music dissemination, electronic music, music editing, Art management, music business management, film and television production, music engineering, music audio
小时候,到了秋天,逢上周末,常和弟妹们挎上一个青竹篓,奔到离家不远的沿河大堤上采撷野菊。那时年龄尚小,哪里知道那金黄色的小花有何妙用, When I was young, in the fall,
寒冷的冬日,太阳透过冰一般的玻璃,在房间中的地板上投下一块块斑驳的光影。独自歪在沙发上的我,被寒冷、寂寞包裹着。但心中依然是她的微笑,淡淡的那种。 On a cold winter
唱片业中明星界的结构功能The Structural Functions of Stardom in the Recording Industry李·马歇尔(Lee Marshall)英国布里斯托大学社会学专业高级讲师,主要研究方向为著
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大自然原本就是一个公平的赛场,狮子若比羚羊跑得慢,就只能眼睁睁地饿死,而羚羊若比狮子跑得慢,也就逃脱不了被吃掉的厄运。物竞天择, Nature was originally a fair playin
立在柔和的月光下,我试图让微微的风梳理我紊乱的思绪,但我无法抹去心灵深处那个情感的约定…… Standing in the soft moonlight, I tried to let my slight wind comb my
孩子,你还记得吗?小的时候你最喜欢捉蝴蝶了。每次你奔跑时,总免不了摔上一跤。看着你胖乎乎的小手碰得青一块紫一块,父亲真的很心疼。 Children, do you remember? When yo